Yenegat Berhan Charity Organization is a non-profit located in the Yeka Sub city area of Addis Ababa currently supporting 192 direct and 960 indirect beneficiaries. The focus of the organization is to reach marginalized families by supporting families especially single mothers who are struggling to support their children and child headed family (orphans) who lost their parents and become responsible for their younger siblings. The main support areas include: supporting women in income generating activities; provide school materials and tutorial class for school children with snack and preventive health education for both groups to create health seeking behaviors. The school support includes: School materials like school bag, supportive book cloth once in a year and tutorial class on basic subjects, English, Mathematics and Ethics with snack three days in a week. Yenegat Berhan also covers the medical expenses. Additional information is available here.

Yenegat Berhan is planning to expand its charitable activities by increasing the families supported by 54 more children and 58 under privileged women. This will have a positive impact of providing indirect support to 270-290 members of the families. The detailed information is available Proposal to Enerda 2021Proposal to Enerda 2022. Budget Information is located here.

Yenegat Berhan Charity Organization has requested assistance from Enerda to fulfill this plan. We are asking our supporters to extend their generous hands for this important and critical project and help save lives.