Welcome to Enerda.

Enerda is an organization with a vision to create an organization that provides children of single mothers with nutritious food, education and tutoring services, and clothing while still living with their families. Enerda will provide the mothers with the necessary training and limited capital to enable them to be self-sufficient and escape the cycle of dependency and poverty.

Enerda aims to work with and provide support to local organizations that not only provide for daily living necessities, but also provide opportunities to be a small business owner or be employed in an occupation that allows them to provide for themselves and their families.​


There are tens of thousands of children in Addis Ababa who live in acute poverty with no hope of relief. These children are vulnerable to abuse, exploitation, disease, and starvation.  Though there are thousands of homeless children in the city, the greater number in need are very poor children who live with their parents or relatives that are unable to support them. These poor children have no escape from this life of poverty and often end up homeless, criminals, or street workers that face a real risk of early death.

​The problem is too big and complicated to expect regional or national government agencies to address it adequately. Because of this, there are a large number of local and international organizations, large and small, that are trying to provide relief for these children. Some provide adoption services, some run orphanages and others  provide food and financial assistance. While these services are important, adoption and orphanage services provide relief to only a small segment of the affected population, and feeding and financial aid services can only provide temporary relief.

Enerda wants to work with local NGOs that follow the model of providing sustainable support for single mothers and their children, while at the same time working to enable mothers to become self-sufficient in no more than three years.

Please visit our blog. 



Just as ripples spread out when a single pebble is dropped into water, the actions of individuals can have far-reaching effects. – Dalai Lama.

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ሃምሳ ሎሚ ለአንድ ሰው ሸክሙ ነው ለሃምሳ ሰው ግን ጌጡ ነው

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አንድ ጠጠር በውሃ ውስጥ ሲወድቅ ሞገዶች እንደሚስፋፉ ሁሉ የግለሰቦች ድርጊት ሰፊ ውጤት ሊኖረው ይችላል

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Just as ripples spread out when a single pebble is dropped into water, the actions of individuals can have far-reaching effects. – Dalai Lama.

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ሃምሳ ሎሚ ለአንድ ሰው ሸክሙ ነው ለሃምሳ ሰው ግን ጌጡ ነው

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አንድ ጠጠር በውሃ ውስጥ ሲወድቅ ሞገዶች እንደሚስፋፉ ሁሉ የግለሰቦች ድርጊት ሰፊ ውጤት ሊኖረው ይችላል

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Just as ripples spread out when a single pebble is dropped into water, the actions of individuals can have far-reaching effects. – Dalai Lama.

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ሃምሳ ሎሚ ለአንድ ሰው ሸክሙ ነው ለሃምሳ ሰው ግን ጌጡ ነው

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አንድ ጠጠር በውሃ ውስጥ ሲወድቅ ሞገዶች እንደሚስፋፉ ሁሉ የግለሰቦች ድርጊት ሰፊ ውጤት ሊኖረው ይችላል

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Just as ripples spread out when a single pebble is dropped into water, the actions of individuals can have far-reaching effects. – Dalai Lama.

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